Wednesday, March 11, 2009


bf holding my heels....still can't get over how I wore those heels to the wedding..while everyone else was wearing flip flops. oops.

the beach behind the property. so lovely.

M & I at the beach (haha, Lake Michigan) by our old apartment last summer.

With the bipolar weather (sunny 60's one moment, rainy & cold the next) I can't stop thinking
about the perfect october weather I experienced during a trip to a friend's wedding in Hawaii this past fall!!!! I am still considering moving out there some day (tax 4%, waaah? shaved ice as big as your head?)
Can't wait for spring/summer. Chicago is the place to be when the weather is nice, can't wait!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. hawaii looks so nice.. oh i want summer!
    nice photographs you have here dear

    mm wanna exchange link ?
