so i was sent this article in my email. it's an article from style.com's beauty counter blog about Tracy Reese's sixth (sixth?) nail polish collection for beauty brand Sally Hansen. Where have I been for the past 5 collections? And do I care??? No. This is just a great way for designers to make more money by making us consumers think that wearing their nail polish is like wearing their garments. lol. I don't know what to think here...and Tracy Reese? Nail polish is nail polish no matter what brands you use...
my favorite: Rescue Beauty Lounge makes really fun, and sometimes even some, "What, that's a real nail polish color?" polishes! My cheapie favs (only because i can buy them at warehouse prices) are OPI & Essie. NYC makes cheaaaaap polishes if you want to try fun colors for under $1
photo and story creds: style.com
ps: I saw they have an article on Bobbi's makeup class (well they call it an academy...) at Emerson College in Boston....I will save that one for analyzing another day. I have lots to say on that topic.... :)