Monday, March 29, 2010

tooting my horn

so nothing is official yet (still figuring out paper work)
but i got accepted into makeup forever's academy in paris.
(insert shrieking, jumping up and down, zomgs)

holy cow. 
got the offer last tuesday.
the process (which is still going) took like 5mos...

i'll never be the same again!
paris here i come! hope you are ready for me!!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


This just aired tonight on Real Housewives of NYC..
we went to the coco perez hilton fashion week party back in nyc (ahhh miss the warm weather and parties)
and we saw this scene on the way out. hilarious since i avidly watch all the RH shows.!!

i miss fashion week (during warm weather)!!!! the f/w 2010 shows was not as fun because it was so cold and snowy out!! yuck!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


FINALLY. I have a picture..albeit a bad one but be thankful because these are rare moments here! haha.
this was taken on my birthday. I hate snow because I can't do much with my hairrr. So please don't judge.
This outifit is like 75% h&m...coat, bag, sunnies. Each item under $20. 
I got this coat from h&m in buy of my life at $20...I'm surprised no one picked it up before me!
The sunnies are h&m nyc as well...they reminded me of prada ss2010 and there were none left but one of the salesgirls was nice enough to snatch one off the mannequin!! woo hoo!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

stop in the name of love

what would i ever do without my family & friends?

Friday, March 5, 2010


love this blog :

(left, ADR, right, denni) lucky girl!!
denni is in paris and she has some wonderful pictures up of pfw & with vogue editors! she is such a cute girl!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

shoes and hearts

his: DC lifestyle grey suede hightops
hers: kimchi&blue silver&gold flats

i'm better today!


the sun is out! (don't know how long it'll last)
trying to be more productive today!!!!!!
can't stop daydreaming about travels...i know i was just in nyc but i really want to go back when it's warm and SHOP! really really want to go to europe soon..and i always want to go back to miami!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

no comment

hello. no picture post today, just words.

the weather is soooooo sucky. it's grey, wet, cold. when will it be spring??

doing a lot of thinking these days. LIFE CHANGING THOUGHTS. haha. no really.

what dreams do you have? i have so many that sometimes i think im not being realistic. but thats just the way i am.

some people make me laugh....not in the tickle me pink way...but more like in the wth way. some people give themselves too too much credit. need a slice of humble pie! but i guess its ok...i mean they have to make themselves feel good someway, right?

i know ive done/seen some "cool" things...but i dont go around bragging about it. i dont really tell people what i do because its awkward and most people dont really know what im talking about, so why waste their time and my energy explaining? haha i think ive always been this way. always shy to talk about myself because i know i am not all that great. you think you know me...but you really dont! :)

anyways, stay happy and i cant wait for the rest of this year to happen! happy march!